What will you do today?
Prayer for Our Youths
This Youth Day, use these prayer pointers to intercede for younger followers of Christ.
Is There Such a Thing as Job Security?
An experience with joblessness helps a worker discover the source of true security in the midst of a recession.
Our Daily Commute Playlist
Got a long bus or train journey to work and home every day? Make it a time of praise, reflection, and prayer with this especially-chosen songs.
When Churches Re-open
As churches prepare to restart services and ministries, we know church life may never be the same again. What should we keep, and what should we let go of?
5 Ways to Make Online Church More Meaningful
Online services may be around for some time, even as the restrictions get eased slowly. Here’s 5 tips on making them count.
2 Verses a Day to Anchor Your Faith
Spend a few minutes meditating on Psalm 46 this week, and discover wonderful words of reassurance and comfort.