Read, discuss, connect, and spur each other on!


5 Ways to Enjoy This Chinese New Year

Why fret about the restrictions on this year’s celebrations? Here are some ideas to keep Chinese New Year fun and meaningful.


Is Digital Church A Real Church?

What makes a church real? A discussion on this question has surfaced several thoughts for reflection.


Looking for A Loophole this Chinese New Year?

Truth be told, enforcement of the restrictions on gatherings will be difficult. So what’s keeping us from bending the rules a little?


Worship, Church and Covid-19: What’s God Teaching Us?

A pastor explores often-asked questions about going to church and how worship can be done in times of Covid-19.


Going Back to Church: Yes or No?

Hear what different people have to say about their thoughts and plans about going back to church—or why they’re not going back yet.


Spreading Festive Joy: A Special Family Project

A family offers their five loaves and two fish at a simple, makeshift booth to help needy residents in their neighbourhood.

Tracing Together: A Biblical Perspective?


Tracing Together: A Biblical Perspective?

Privacy . . . or accountability? Consider a biblical perspective of the debate surrounding the TraceTogether app and token.

Why Go to Church When I Can’t Sing or Fellowship?


Why Go to Church When I Can’t Sing or Fellowship?

Local pastors address frequently-asked questions about Covid-19 and going back to church in this occasional series.

Why Do We Need to Go Back to Church?


Why Do We Need to Go Back to Church?

Local pastors address frequently-asked questions about Covid-19 and going back to church in this occasional series.

What's wrong with worshipping online?


What’s Wrong With Worshipping Online?

Local pastors address frequently-asked questions about Covid-19 and going back to church in this occasional series.


In All Things, God Works for Our Good

COVID-19 has disrupted our plans for life—from marriage and home renovations to travel and gatherings. What assurance do we have of God’s perfect timing?

Preparing your heart for church


Preparing Your Heart for Church

As church services begin to resume, some of us may feel reluctant to go back. One believer shares her thoughts—and mixed feelings about going back to church.

Messages to send to a friend In need


10 Messages to Send to A Friend In Need

You can help a friend in small, practical ways. Send these messages that come with an assurance of help and care—from you.

How to mentor our children with my spouse


How To Mentor Our Children With My Spouse

Work-from-home and home-based schooling can affect our style of parenting. Two parents look at how to get both father and mother involved.

Why I didn’t miss church as much as I thought


Why I Didn’t Miss Church as Much as I Thought

Going back to church after 5 months proved to be less emotional than one believer thought. Here’s why.


The 5-year-old Who Raised $8,500 For Covid-Hit Migrant Workers

Touched by the plight of migrant workers, Mya Ji decided to help them in her own small way. Trouble is, the 5-year-old only had enough to buy five meals. Find out how God multiplied this little girl’s humble offering.

Read the article

Covid-19: What story will you tell your kids?


COVID: What Story Will You Tell Your Kids?

One day, when all this is over, what will you tell future generations about how COVID changed your life? What did you do that you can be proud of and thankful for?

Letter from an ex-Church Hopper


Letter from an Ex-Church Hopper

Online services have made it easier to “visit” other churches, and some may even be thinking of making a switch. A former church hopper shares his experience.

Fearfully and wonderfully Philip Yancey


Philip Yancey Reflects on Our Role in Church

Tune in to hear award-winning author Philip Yancey talk about how we are “fearfully and wonderfully” made to be part of the Body of Christ.

Church has closed but it has become more open


Church Has Closed, But It Has Become More Open

Efforts to help members grow and stay connected amid COVID-19 have made churches more accessible. What changes should we keep as churches begin to re-open?

YMI Article: Re-imagining church amidst COVID-19—and beyond


Re-imagining Church Amidst COVID-19—and Beyond

With the shape and format of church services and ministries changing in the wake of the coronavirus, how will churches look like in the future?



Reaching Youth During COVID-19: How and Why It Can Work

Ministry workers share their experiences on connecting with young followers of Christ in the midst of lockdown.



“Rebel? No, I Just Want To Be Understood”

A teenager’s perspective of why she left church offers insight into how parents can relate to their teenage children.



When Churches Re-open

As churches prepare to restart services and ministries, we know church life may never be the same again. What should we keep, and what should we let go of?



5 Ways to Make Online Church More Meaningful

Online services may be around for some time, even as the restrictions get eased slowly. Here’s 5 tips on making them count.


3 Lessons COVID-19 Has Taught Me About Fatherhood

A father finds what he’s been missing out in the midst of COVID-19.


Friends, When Can We Meet Up Again?

An introvert finds she’s missing the company of others, and explains why she is determined to meet them as a new person.


3 Tips for Dating During Lockdown

Remote romance is tough. Here’s some ways to stay close even as you stay home.

Prayer Guide

Suit Up Your Child with the Armour of God

Sending your child back to school? Give him or her the assurance of God’s protection.


Pressing the Reset Button for Families

COVID-19 and the Circuit Breaker offers an opportunity to reset critical relationships, says Focus On The Family Chairman Jason Wong.

Parenting Video

Know Your Child, Know Yourself

Youth worker and parent Stephanie Choong offers tips on communicating better with your kids.

For more videos in the series, visit Biblical Wisdom for Parents.


When Your Marriage Hits A Rough Spot

COVID-19 restrictions and the circuit breaker can put a strain on spousal relationships. What can you do?

Practical Tips for Parents

Keeping Biblical Values Alive in Noah’s Ark

Holed up by the circuit breaker? A mother discovers some practical ways to keep the family spiritually grounded.


Three Ways to Carry Each Other’s Burden

How can we help others even when we are stuck at home? Here’s how you can get started.

Parenting Video

How Not to Exasperate Your Child

Being stuck at home can cause friction in the family. A father shares tips on how he applies the Ephesians 6:4 principle of “do not exasperate your children”.

For more videos in the series, visit Biblical Wisdom for Parents.

Practical Tips for Small Group Leaders

5 Tips for Hosting an Effective Small Group Discussion Online

Get your group members to stay engaged meaningfully and effectively.

Discussion Guide for Small Groups

Together Alive! Rediscovering Community Living in God’s Family

What does a church community look like? Learn, discuss, and apply these fresh insights together.

Books for Children

Keep Your Kids Occupied

School’s out! Check out these comic books, picture books, and children’s devotionals to keep your kids meaningfully occupied.

Discussion Guide for Small Groups

Where Can We Find Comfort?

Discover where followers of God can go to in difficult circumstances. With questions to help you read, reflect, and discuss.

30-Day Devotional for Young Adults

YMI Reading James

The book of James provides practical wisdom for everyday living. It covers topics such as caring for the needy, not boasting about tomorrow, and patience in sufferings—issues that we may be wrestling with during this COVID-19 crisis.

Practical Tips for Parents

How to Have A Fun and Meaningful Service At Home

Five practical ways to make “church service” at home a great time for all in the family.

Practical Tips for Parents

How To Talk To Your Children About… Disease

Conversation tips to help you talk to your children about disease and sickness and connect it to the Christian faith.

8-Day Reading Plan for All

The Cross & COVID-19: Discover Hope This Easter

Journey with Jesus through His last week on earth, and discover hope in the midst of fear and uncertainty. Includes questions for personal reflection or small group discussion.