Why I Didn’t Miss Church as Much as I Thought
Going back to church after 5 months proved to be less emotional than one believer thought. Here’s why.
Going back to church after 5 months proved to be less emotional than one believer thought. Here’s why.
One day, when all this is over, what will you tell future generations about how COVID changed your life? What did you do that you can be proud of and thankful for?
Online services have made it easier to “visit” other churches, and some may even be thinking of making a switch. A former church hopper shares his experience.
Ministry workers share their experiences on connecting with young followers of Christ in the midst of lockdown.
A teenager's perspective of why she left church offers insight into how parents can relate to their teenage children.
Our churches, nation, and society have been battered by the storm, but not defeated. And here’s why we’ll come out even stronger.