At first it was just a big unknown. For some, COVID-19 was terrifying; for others, perhaps a bit less so. But then the circuit breaker and restrictions shook up everything we took for granted, and our lives changed overnight. We stocked up on supplies, donned our masks, stayed at home, and listened intently to the news reports of the latest updates on infection numbers and new rules.

But that seemed like a lifetime ago. It’s been more than two years since COVID-19 struck us, many of us have stopped tuning in to the daily statistics. In fact, many of us have become tired of the hassle. All we can think is: When will things get back to normal? Will they ever? When will all this end?

These questions must have been uppermost on David’s mind when he wrote Psalm 13, and lamented:

How long, Lord? Will you forget me for ever?

How long will you hide your face from me?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

and day after day have sorrow in my heart? (vv. 1–2)

After expressing his pain and frustrations openly and honestly with the Lord, David then comes to the conclusion that ultimately, he has to “trust in [the Lord’s] unfailing love” (v. 5). Having experienced God’s goodness in the past and in the present, he has complete trust in God’s ability and willingness to take care of his future.

When times are tough, we wonder how long they will last. But when they’re over and we look back, we may see that we grow as much spiritually during the bad times as we do during the good and fruitful times—often, even more. God is in our winters, for it is during the times when things are dark, that we know with much more certainty that His love truly is unfailing.

If you are feeling weary and fed up, and are wondering, “How long, O Lord?”, take heart! Every winter ends and new seasons open up. God is working in our lives, even (and maybe especially) when things are at their darkest. His love is unfailing, even today.

When we can’t see God, let’s say with David, “He has been good to me”. Let’s “sing the Lord’s praise” and remember that God will answer in His wise timing (vv. 5–6). In His unfailing love, He will bring His spring into our lives.

Father God, the One who loves me and knows me,
I call out for Your strength during this hard season.
As I grow weary with the challenges and
restrictions of each day, renew me in Your Spirit.

As I continue in a time of deprivation, I ask that
You would help me to keep an attitude of thankfulness.
Fix my eyes on my blessings; not my hardships.
Inspire me to lift my eyes to eternal things,
and to see that I have all things in You.
Heaven is my real home; so remind me to keep my
treasure there, not in the things of this earth.

When this season ends, and life returns to normal,
help me not to lose sight of what I’ve learned.
May I treasure my relationships, be thankful for my comforts,
and reach out to others while I have the opportunity.
May I experience Your all-sufficient grace and
know Your strength which is made perfect in times of weakness.

Adapted from He Hears Us, published by Our Daily Bread Ministries 2020.

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