What will you do today?
Philip Yancey Reflects on Our Role in Church
Tune in to hear award-winning author Philip Yancey talk about how we are “fearfully and wonderfully” made to be part of the Body of Christ.
Is It Okay If I Want Things to Remain as They Are?
After her initial struggle with strict COVID-19 restrictions, one person discovers the value of taking life at a different pace.
Church Has Closed, But It Has Become More Open
Efforts to help members grow and stay connected amid COVID-19 have made churches more accessible. What changes should we keep as churches begin to re-open?
Prayer for a COVID-19 Vaccine
Pray for those working to create a vaccine for the coronavirus.
Reaching Youth During COVID-19: How and Why It Can Work
Ministry workers share their experiences on connecting with young followers of Christ in the midst of lockdown.
“Rebel? No, I Just Want To Be Understood”
A teenager's perspective of why she left church offers insight into how parents can relate to their teenage children.