Over this week, we will be sharing daily 2-minute articles to help you start and cultivate 7 life-changing habits during this time of lockdown. Read, reflect, pray, act—and challenge a friend to join you in this simple but powerful journey!

Read: Psalm 73:16–28
By Arthur Jackson
n just a matter of weeks, the dreaded COVID-19 virus has turned the world upside down. “Everyone’s walking around not talking to each other. There’s no eye contact. It’s a very eerie feeling. The tension is really high. It feels like doom.” These were one person’s comments in our local newspaper describing life since the outbreak of the virus. People are urged to keep safe distances from each other for their own protection and for the protection of others.
Social distance is a good thing when it’s necessary for human safety. However, this “distancing” principle doesn’t apply in our relationship with God. Spiritual distance isn’t good. The writer of Psalm 73 wisely concluded, “But as for me, it is good to be near God” (v. 28). But aren’t there days and seasons when God seems far off? Things don’t add up; life doesn’t make sense. The “wrong teams” are winning (vv. 2–15). Confusion reigns in our lives and we cry out, “God, where are you? Have you forgotten about me?”
Then we come to our senses. Sometimes it’s in the context of worship (vv. 16–17) or through reading Scripture or through the encouragement of friends. Our hearts become sensitive again; prayers begin to rise from within (vv. 23–25). Our sight becomes clear and once again we recognize that “God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (v. 26). Even in the difficulties of life, we can be assured of God’s presence and draw close to Him.
When have you felt far from God? What led to the renewal of your faith and a closer relationship with Him?
God, I want to draw closer to You by . . .