What will you do today?
Spreading Festive Joy: A Special Family Project
A family offers their five loaves and two fish at a simple, makeshift booth to help needy residents in their neighbourhood.
God Is Good, Even in This Time
With our “normal” dramatically changed by Covid-19, it can be hard to get a handle on life. But there’s a powerful truth that keeps us steadfast.
3 Ways to Live in 2021
How can we adapt to all the changes of the new year? Here are 3 comforting truths to keep in mind.
Prayer for Watchfulness
As we enter Phase 3 and a new year, we can take heart that God holds our future. Resting secure in His care, here’s how you can pray for yourself and others in the new year.
Pictures of Covid-19: Remembering A Year of Crisis
What were the most significant moments for you in 2020? Revisit your snapshots, reflect on them, and share them with us!
How to Stick to A New Year Resolution
Whether your resolution is to read the Bible more or otherwise, here are some ways to not break your resolution.